
Is Inspiring
In the Dark
I hear the rush of water washed away the soul soul
Forming a natural symphony in the dark
Like drowning in a dream
Among liver gap

In the darkness
I miss the sound of mendayu Greetings
Penetrate into the small hearts
Sending silence
Turning off all imagination

Famous Artist

A dream
Just like humans in general, I was the one who has big dreams for the future, I am also one who has hope in one day to become a famous person with the work and kelebihanku. In addition, I also wish I berkaya much as possible to present to the world of art. I want to live in a world of art, exists in the world of art, in which I become one of the actors, den with the work that I have, I wanted to show that I have characteristics and different characters with other actors. and I dreamed of one day people will remember me with my work. I want to be famous with the work and imagination that is different from other artists. And at some point I'll be happy and proud to berkaya and realize my imagination to be enjoyed and understood by others, besides that I also want to capture all forms of imagination and my emotions overflow into the form of the work, which will be remembered. That's why I made this picture as the beginning of all my big dreams, and as a symbol that I hope will be realized and achieved. And all that had I started from a long time, since a while I know the challenge of art and understand the meaning of a work. this is my dream and hope, and I want to say a word to the world "wait for me, O world" I will soon come. I'm the artist in the future, and say welcome to me.
My nickname is Besoul. and that was the preface and the accompaniment of my work is, hopefully you're impressed, and also more motivated to fight for a big dream that you have.

Besoul Graphic


The phrase, when a life requires us to remain courageous in taking decisions, but we do not dare to take the decision, and when all that fails, on the other day we realized that we should be more courageous in resisting these uncertainties.

And its relation to art, I want all of that into learning for us all, that life must be brave, versus uncertainty, and courage to get things better.

Understand, in this harsh world does not need a weak mind, we must be strong, we must be brave, and show the world that we deserve to get our big dreams.


Besoul Indonesian